Christmas at First Presbyterian

So Much to Celebrate!

The Christmas season is so much fun!  Christmas events, special decorations, music, and foods put us in the holiday spirit.  Gift giving helps us express our love to family and friends.  There’s something about this time of year that inspires hopefulness and generosity!

At First Presbyterian we believe that hopefulness and generosity are inspired by God’s great gift to us at Christmas.  God came to live among us.  God wrapped himself in human skin and was born to a poor couple who would raise their child to be our savior, Jesus.

We hope you’ll join us this year for Christmas events and the journey to Bethlehem to see this amazing thing God has done and to worship the newborn King.

Worship is Extra Special during Advent and Christmas

Our two worship services and Christmas events take on a special quality during the festive seasons of Advent and Christmas.  The decking of the halls will be completed by Nov. 27th, the 1st Sunday of Advent.  Look for an enormous Christmas tree decked with white lights and chrismons at the entrance of the Sanctuary.  A traditional nativity sits in the front of the sanctuary and greens surround the worship space.  Likewise the Worship Coffee house on the lower level will be decorated with trees, greens and festive touches.  Sweet, familiar songs and carols are sung at both services and the Advent Candles remind us we are getting closer to Christmas each week.
Join us for worship and Christmas events each Sunday of Advent:

9:00 AM Traditional Worship
11:00 AM Contemporary Worship
(except on Dec 4 which is our Family Christmas Celebration at 10:00 AM – See below)

Christmas Eve Service Events

Christmas Around the World for Everyone on Dec 4 at 10:00 AM

People celebrate Christmas with different foods, music, and traditions all around the world.  We want to celebrate that diversity at First Presbyterian.  On Dec 4, the 2nd Sunday of Advent, we have a special worship celebration planned for the whole church at 10:00 AM.  We’ll meet in the Sanctuary for some carols and prayers and then we’ll fan out around the church to visit different countries to see how they celebrate Christmas!  Plan to sample special foods, hear special music, and try your hand at some Christmas crafts or games from various nations!  Friends are always welcome at First Presbyterian!

Christmas Eve Services

Nothing is quite like Christmas Eve.  Join us for worship on this Holy Night for either of two special services.  Or come to both!
6:00 PM Family/Contemporary Service
The Contemporary Service meets on our lower level in our Worship Coffee House.  Families and friends are encouraged to sit around tables and enjoy a cup of coffee or cocoa as we celebrate Christs’ birth with our great Worship Band.  This year’s Christmas Eve service features a humorous set of short skits about the people entering the gates of Bethlehem on that first Christmas.  The series of skits are called, “Bethlehem’s Gate.”   The service will conclude with Christmas Communion and candle lighting during the singing of Silent Night.Not sure about making the effort to bring your children to a Christmas Eve service?  Check out this article by Children’s Ministry expert, Carolyn Brown.   Why Children Need to Get to Church on Christmas Eve9:00 PM Traditional Service
The 9:00 PM service has an almost mystical quality about it as we welcome the Christ child in our beautiful sanctuary.  Our classic Christmas Eve service is set with traditional carols sung with our wonderful pipe organ and grand piano, the scripture readings that tell the Christmas story, a special Christmas Eve message, Christmas Communion and candle lighting during the singing of Silent Night.  Come welcome the Lord in beauty and peace on Christmas Eve with us.

Chrismon cross

What is Advent?

Advent is a time to get ready for Christmas.  The word Advent means, “the arrival of an important person, event or thing.”  During Advent we are getting ready for the arrival of Jesus at Christmas.  We do lots of things to get ready.  We decorate the church with greens and the color blue and add red and gold as we approach Christmas. The blue reminds us of the dark night sky in which the star of Bethlehem was seen.  It is also a royal color reminding us that Jesus is our King.  Lastly blue is the color of hope!  The messages and music you will hear in worship are full of hope during Advent. Advent begins November 27 and ends when we reach Christmas Eve!

Socks and Underwear: Gifts you need but may not want! (Advent messages)

During Advent we do a lot of thinking about gifts. Gift giving is a big part of our Christmas celebrations, and Advent is the time to get all those gifts purchased or made, wrapped and under the tree!  That’s why during Advent we want to be thinking about the gifts God brings us.    God’s gifts may not be gifts we think we want, but they are certainly gifts we need – kind of like socks and underwear. 
Join us Nov 27 for the first Sunday of our Advent Message series: Socks and Underwear.
November 27
Socks and Underwear: Right relationships    December 4
Christmas Around the World (see above)December 11
Socks and Underwear: A clean sweep                       December 18
Socks and Underwear: A Real Home

Kid nativity

Check out our Children and Youth Christmas events!

Our Children’s and Youth programs have lots of special things happening during the Christmas Season.  Music and More will be working toward a special performance on Dec. 18 and enjoying lots of special Christmas crafts and fun during the month of December.  Youth Group has plans for Christmas caroling, a Christmas trivia night, and the annual Gingerbread house decorating!  It’s the perfect time for your kids to try out some of the fun offerings at First Presbyterian.  You can check out our programs for kids here! Visit Children’s Page and Youth’s Page

Upcoming Events

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Sundays in January 2023

Winter Message Series: Come in Out of the Cold

January 1 – January 29

Lenten sermon series based on the movies

The Chosen: message series about the films by Dallas Jenkins

February 5 – March 26


Maundy Thursday Drama!

April 6 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Good Friday Photo

Good Friday Taize Worship

April 7 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm