Commitment Sunday:  October 20, 2024


Christian giving is rooted in an understanding that all we are and have belongs to God, the Creator (Psalms 24:1). God is the owner. We are God's stewards or managers commissioned to follow his guidelines for living. In John 10:8 Jesus tells us:

Freely you have received; freely give.

Our giving is in response to what God has already done for us. We are grateful for God's grace and forgiveness expressed through Jesus’ death and resurrection and made real to us through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. Our gratitude is expressed through our faithful obedience to God's design for living which calls for a generous heart. It is important that we prayerfully consider how our stewardship can help fulfill God's purposes for our lives, relieve the suffering of the poor and needy, and provide financial support for the life, ministry and mission of the Church.

Other ways you can give:

Offering plate on Sunday morning:

Simply place you cash or check in the offering plate during the Sunday morning service


Mail your check to:

First Presbyterian Church

200 E Beardsley Avenue

Elkhart, In 46514