Maundy Thursday Journey to the Cross

Journey back in history to Bible times and join Jesus’ disciples through the events leading up to Jesus’ death and burial. We will join the disciples toward the end of the Passover Feast (Last Supper), keep watch with them in the Garden of Gethsemane until his betrayal and arrest, go with Peter to the home…

Good Friday Tenebrae

Good Friday is the day of the cross. It’s a hard day for Christians but an important day as we remember the lengths God was willing to go to demonstrate his endless love for us. This year at First Presbyterian, we will gather to read the story of Jesus’s passion with music and candlelight in…

Easter Sunday

First Presbyterian Elkhart 200 East Beardsley Avenue, Elkhart, IN, United States

Join us for Easter joy in worship with glorious music, the Easter Story, communion, beautiful flowers and a message of hope! The resurrection of Jesus brings us hope for our personal lives and hope for our world. God’s love never leaves us alone! We worship in two services on Easter Sunday: 9 a.m.  Traditional worship…

Children’s Easter Egg Hunt!

We are happy to provide a little extra fun for children on Easter Sunday. Our Easter Egg hunt is open to the public as well as children of the church. Have your children meet Anna on Easter Sunday morning at 10:30 at the back of the Sanctuary for a special Easter Egg Hunt inside the…

Jazz Sunday

Join us for a happy hopeful day full of the best jazz and the good news of God in a unique worship experience!

Vacation Bible School

The theme for this year’s VBS is “Time Travel Camp.” This year, our children will travel back in time to visit Nazareth. Nazareth was Jesus’ hometown as he was growing…

Kick Off Sunday

Children’s education classes begin, Music and More resumes and Youth Group begins for the fall. Often our adult study classes, on recess during the summer, begin in the week or…