Want to dig a little deeper into “The Chosen?” Pastor Sally is offering two Bible studies to supplement the Sunday sermon series. The Monday Night Bible Study (6:30 p.m.) will actually view the episodes from season three each week in the lower-level Coffeehouse and then discuss the film and related scripture passages in small groups…
Pastor Sally is again taking a deep dive with us into the film series, “The Chosen” which can be seen on Netflix or Amazon Prime. Each week during Lent, in the Sunday morning sermon, we will explore the biblical themes presented in season three of the “The Chosen.” Join us each Sunday for this unusual…
Palm Sunday is the joyous day when we remember Jesus was welcomed into Jerusalem with great excitement and fanfare! Join us for worship as we remember Jesus’ triumphant entry. We will wave palms at the 9 a.m. Traditional service and the 11 a.m. Contemporary service, and we’ll have palms to take home after each service.…
Maundy Thursday is the night we remember everything that happened the night before Jesus died. One of the most important events of that night was when Jesus celebrated a Passover meal with his disciples. This deeply Jewish celebration had special meaning for Jesus especially as he added holy words to the some of the bread…
Good Friday is the day of the cross. It’s a hard day for Christians but an important day as we remember the lengths God was willing to go to demonstrate his endless love for us. This year at First Presbyterian, we will gather to read the story of Jesus’s passion with music and candlelight in…
Join us for Easter joy in worship with glorious music, the Easter Story, communion, beautiful flowers and a message of hope! The resurrection of Jesus brings us hope for our personal lives and hope for our world. God’s love never leaves us alone! We worship in two services on Easter Sunday: 9 a.m. Traditional worship…