
Monday Night Bible Study
Our Monday night bible study meets on Zoom from 6:30 to 8:00pm. We have studied Mark, Genesis, Acts, and are currently studying John. We learn so many new things as we look at each verse in the context of the entire book. This study is led by Pastor Sally who provides a study guide and utilizes maps and pictures to supplement our reading. Don’t miss this opportunity to discover the bible in a brand-new way!
Quotes from members
“New discoveries come at me with every new chapter and verse!”
“I love being able to dive deeper into the scripture to better understand what is being said”
“ The fellowship and the thoughts from others attending is something I really enjoy”
Men’s Bible Study
On Wednesday mornings at 8:30 a.m. our pastor leads a men’s group of our church in a detailed exploration of the bible. The group meets in Room 100 and our virtual Zoom format allows for active participation by members living around the country. Content of our study usually focuses on one book of the Bible at a time but occasionally we study the scriptural text of the sermon for the upcoming Sunday worship service. Our congenial biblical learning experience lasts about an hour and builds a strong bond of fellowship and deeper appreciation in our faith.
Wired Word
Wired Word is a weekly adult discussion group which meets Sunday mornings at 10:15. Each lesson considers a recent current event paired with related scripture. This class is a good way to explore Biblical ideas as they relate to us today while continuing our individual faith journeys. While exploring differing points of view through scripture you will have the bonus of developing deeper connections with members of our congregation. Join us in the Reception Room between services.
Now available via Zoom. Contact the office for the Zoom Link.
Wednesday’s Table
Wednesday’s Table is an open women’s book group who grow in faith through weekly reading, discussion, and prayer. The group meets in room 101 of the church each Wednesday at 11 AM. Books may be inspirational, historical, contemporary, and/or Biblical. Please join us. We welcome everyone.
Pieceful Quilters
The Pieceful Quilters, founded in 1999, is a small group open to church and community members who enjoy the creative process of fiber
arts and the fellowship. The group meets once a month during the school year to share their work and get support from one another. The group welcomes newcomers.
Threads of Grace
THREADS OF GRACE is a small group that meets Thursdays at 10:00 AM at the church. Threads of Grace hosts a Bible Study and sends birthday and other greeting cards to church members. Despite the name, this group is not a sewing group. “Prayer casts threads of grace and weaves people back into the community.”
Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women operates as a local group of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Presbyterian Women. Everything Presbyterian Women do as an organization is guided by the PCUSA Presbyterian Women purpose. This organization is committed to nurture faith through prayer and Bible study, to support the mission of the church worldwide, to work for justice and peace, and to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.
Our local Presbyterian Women chapter is very mission focused. It meets quarterly on Zoom and in person to plan and coordinate:
- Collecting birthday and thank offerings for the Worldwide Presbyterian Women for their mission work
- School supplies for Beardsley School
- School bags, school supplies and postage for Church World Service
- Winter coats, hats, scarves, mittens and gloves for Beardsley School
- Wabash Valley Mission Pledge and building and
- Making facility improvements that create a warm and welcoming atmosphere in our Church.