From the Pastor's Pen

Pastor Sally Devotional 8/19

| August 19, 2021

Dear friends, 

                Marilyn Horvath shared the poem below for the Deacon’s devotions the other night.  I asked if I could have a copy to share with all of you.  The poem is by Bell Mona Mengies.


Christ’s Hands and Ours


A pair of little hands I see,

Two chubby infant hands so are

Clutching sweet Mary’s face in glee.


Two boyish hands sturdy and brown,

Holding the plane in Nazareth town

In Joseph’s shop as the sun goes down.


Two hands of a youth older grown

Folded in prayer by a rugged stone

Out on the hilltop, all alone.


A young man’s hands, toil marked and strong

Seeking to aid in the restless throng,

The helpless victims of sin and wrong.


Two tired hands near the olive tree

In the garden of gray Gethsemane

Clasped for my sins in agony.


Two hands outstretched on a cross of wood,

From cruel nail wounds red with blood

Bringing a lost world back to God.


O hands of my crucified Christ divine

Take into thine own these hands of mine

And teach them to serve with a love like thine.




Pr. Sally

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