From the Pastor's Pen

Pastor Sally’s Devoional 6/10

| June 10, 2020

Dear Friends,

We’ve had quite the rain today.  One minutes it’s lovely outside and the next minute it’s pouring!  I think I got spoiled the last few days because of the sunny weather, and so I’ve been thinking disparagingly about the rain and singing an old sesame street song.

It’s a rainy day; it’s a rainy day.

Raining outside so we can’t go out to play.

Why do we need the rain… anyway?


The song goes on to talk about all the ways we need water.  I became critically aware of our need for water when I was in Greece and Italy on sabbatical.  There were a couple of times when I underestimated the effect of the heat on my body and found myself stumbling through the streets with a splitting headache.  I was dehydrated.  I was so impress when I got to Rome because there are water fountains all over the city, only many visitors don’t see them.  Rome is watered by the ancient system of aqueducts that still bring water in from the hills, lakes and streams.  The water is then pumped into fountains through out the city.  These fountains usually have a small hole near the spout.  All you have to do is stop of the spout and the water squirts out the small hole making an instant fountain.  It is a gracious gift to visitors that fresh, free water is available for drinking in almost any plaza in Rome if you know where to find it.


I think it makes sense that the water is free.  The water was first freely given to us by God.  The water feeds the whole earth and gives life and nurtures the green plants, some of which bring joy to our souls, some of which provide food for our bodies.  The rain is a gift.  Thanks be to God.



Pr. Sally


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