From the Pastor's Pen

Pastor Sally’s Devotional 8/18

| August 24, 2020

Dear Friends,

I have a friend who coined the term “God moment” for me many years ago.  My friend has a way of pointing out the odd ways that things just fall in place from time to time.  Is it coincidence or is God at work?  I think I had such a moment just the other day.

I was looking on line for some information for Andy about license requirements for our services online.  Although we have several licenses already our online media, we had gotten a question from YouTube.  So I was looking though the Presbytery site for information for Andy when I came across an article that caught my attention.  It was an article about the Nation Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS for short.)  This is an professional organization for college and university singing professors.  They sponsor seminars and singing competitions.  As a voice major I sang in a couple of their competitions in college.  The article was about how to safely allow for singing instruction and choral concerts during Covid 19.  I read it with interest because I thought it might have implications for congregational singing.  The article was thorough.  NATS brought in scientific and medical professionals to discuss their questions but the conclusion was grim.  There was simply no safe way for singers to sing together until there is a vaccine.

So there was an elder on session asking about the dangers of singing, and I thought this article might answer some of her questions.  I created an email and attached the article and clicked send.  Just then I realized I had the wrong name on the email. Too late!  The article was going to another member of the church with a similar name.  I immediately sent an email of apology and resent the article to the intended elder.  Then I forgot about it until the next day when there was a note from the member who mistakenly received the singing article.  She thanked me and said the article was just what she needed as she was trying to make some decisions about gathering some older musicians together.  They needed guidance about what might be safe and this article was a great help!  Hmm…. Just coincidence?  Or was God’s hand in this?  Was it a “God moment” as my friend calls them?

My husband says he doesn’t believe in coincidence anymore, and I am inclined to agree with him.  I try to pay attention when my conscience speaks to me or a voice in my head nudges me to do something.  I pause in awe when things fall in place that had no business falling in place.  Maybe some of you will shake your head at me.  That’s ok.  I’d rather give God credit even if it is only coincidence.  Maybe it will make up for all the times I’ve forgotten to credit God for the wonder of life itself.


Pr. Sally


p.s. Here’s a link for anyone who is interested in the article:           NATS article

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