Pastor Sally’s Devotional 9/17
Blog | September 21, 2020
Dear Friends,
I haven’t told you yet about our wonderful time serving communion after worship last Sunday. It was a beautiful day and the company was terrific. Everyone agreed it was a very meaningful time both serving and receiving the Lord’s supper in this way. Let me tell you a bit about it.
We had fun and inspirational signs set up along the front drive for people to read as they arrived for communion. People arrived in a rather spaced out manner, so no one had to wait very long. Katie and Evie McCormick greeted members as they arrived. Kirk Linton helped direct people through the turn into the portico drive. After the turn, Braden and Josie McCormick took turns reading the scripture from I Corinthians about Jesus’ first communion with the disciples. Then the driver proceeded along the path to me so I could pray with them before partaking. The driver then proceeded to the servers. Bill and Debby Burton were set up on the passenger side to serve. John and Mary Seddon were serving on the driver’s side. All were wearing masks and gloves as they handed the sealed communion packets in a napkin to those who had come to partake. After everyone was served the participants gathered in a social distanced circle to share communion together.
Whether you shared communion with our church online last Sunday or participated in the Drive through Communion, there is no question but what there is something holy about what we do when we break bread and drink of the cup together. We ask in prayer that we might be one with the Lord in that moment and one with each other. I want you to know that I sense that oneness when I break bread with you on film on Thursdays when I pre-record, when I break bread with you as I watch the service on Sundays or when I break bread with you at a drive by communion. That’s because the communing is not of our making. It’s not dependent on the place where we break bread and pour the cup. It’s not dependent on the number of people gathered or the time at which we share. Communion is wholly dependent on the presence of God who promises to be with us in a unique way when we remember Jesus in this meal.
I’ve included some pictures of our faithful servers. (We are all smiling, by the way!) I’m sure we’ll be doing this again if you want to join us for Drive through communion. Peace, Pr. Sally
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